He’s talking to HER again!

So when DH and I got together 4 years ago he told me about this chick that he says he grew up with even though she moved away when she was 4 and they’ve only seen each other two times since. Over these past 4 years when she texts him I just get this really uneasy feeling about her. I don’t get that feeling when any other girls text him. She only texts him like once or twice a year and it’s either to be nosey or ask him for something. She treats him like crap! She’ll act all buddy buddy with him and then when he thinks they’re getting close again she just won’t talk to him for months.

Well last night was the first night my husband and I have spent away from each other in 3 years. And of course that would be the night she texts him. 🙄 he didn’t tell me about it until this afternoon, deleted the messages, wouldn’t tell me what time she texted (I asked because I was gonna be extremely pissed if it was after he told me I should get some sleep), and wouldn’t tell me what they talked about.

I’ve got a baby in the NICU and I’m by myself. I don’t need this going on right now. I’m completely stressed already. This whole situation is bothering me because every other time he’ll let me read the messages just to let me be comfortable.

I know there are going to be people commenting telling me I’m overreacting but you just don’t understand our relationship. I don’t talk to anyone outside of family and I have no friends because I’m a SAHM and don’t get out much. He’s got friends (male and female) from work he talks to and stuff and it never bothers me. It’s just something about her. I don’t trust her.

Thanks for reading. Rant over.