Advocating for our Baby Girl possibly saved her life!


Here is my birth story of our beautiful baby girl. Sorry if it’s a bit long.

I had my 36 week OB appointment on July 24. Everything went great but it was confirmed that she was still breeched. It was what I was expecting but hoping that she had turned. Went in the following Tuesday, July 31, for my 37 week appointment and everything still looked great. Neither of us had any issues during the pregnancy. I didn’t really have nausea or heartburn. I went in for the ultrasound and she still looked great. The tech mentioned that she definitely wouldn’t turn at this point because I didn’t have enough fluid for her to turn around. She said I had some but just not enough for her to freely turn. When I hear something that freaks me out, I don’t necessarily think completely. I went to see the doctor after and she mentioned that my fluid level was on the lower end of normal but it wasn’t anything to worry about. She said that if she was worried then she wouldn’t let me leave that day. She told me to monitor her movements and if I felt that she wasn’t moving as much, then I should go to the assessment center and let them know. After the appointment, I told my husband, who thinks more clearly in situations, and he begin to ask me questions to which I had no answer. We were confused to what she meant by the lower end of normal and if it was then why am I not being monitored. She only mentioned that if my levels had dropped at my appointment next week then they will go ahead and take her. My husband wanted me to contact her and ask if they can go ahead and take her since my levels were low and I was already 37 weeks, technically full term. We were told that since my levels were technically still within normal and the hospital doesn’t do cesareans before 39 weeks unless you meet certain criteria, which I hadn’t met. This was later that Tuesday after the appointment. On Wednesday, we were still discussing it and really not feeling comfortable with the entire situation. We decided that Friday I would go to the assessment center and have them to check me out to calm our nerves. On Thursday the 2nd, something just didn’t sit right in my soul and I started to feel like she had decreased movements. I really just was too scared to wait until Friday. I contacted my doctor and they said if I wanted to be checked then I could go to the hospital’s assessment center to be checked. I was still working by this time so I left work about 4pm and informed my boss and husband. He said he would meet me there. I informed them of what had taken place over the last 2 weeks. I also thought about my discharge. I knew that your discharge increases during pregnancy but I mentioned to them that sometimes it’s watery. Not running down my leg but it will be enough to wear a liner or want me to change my undies. They checked me to see if they could tell if I was leaking fluid. They even checked my cervix. They couldn’t see anything. Next step was an ultrasound. They mentioned how great she looked with movement and her heartbeat. Now at my 36 week appointment, the doctor wrote in the notes that my fluid levels measured an 11. She didn’t enter a number for my 37 week appointment but just entered low end of normal. Just 2 days later, my levels were at a 2... she wanted us to wait until my next appointment the following Tuesday. Even the doctors that looked at me was confused as to why she didn’t put my most recent number in my chart and why she wanted me to wait. Well, needless to say, they admitted me and begin to prep me. The section was performed and baby girl was born healthy at 9:49 pm on August 2, 2018. It was confirmed that my waters had broken and I basically had a slow leak. I feel like my doctor should have taken my situation more seriously. If we would have waited until Tuesday then our baby may not have survived. If you feel something isn’t right, speak up and don’t settle because your doctor said so. She is beautiful and perfect! Our Nyla Jordan!