I need to get him out.

So I have no one else to tell this to but I need advice, my mom has a boyfriend that treats her like complete shit. He has been treating her like this for years! They have been together for 10 years I’m assuming he was a good man to her in the beginning but now he’s a fucking asshole. He calls her “worthless” and “bitch” and screams at her. And my mom is the sweetest person ever . She worked long hours to keep a roof over my head she bought herself 2 cars . She paid rent herself with trying to put food on the table with 3 children. He never once had a job ! Since I’ve been living with her ! He never buys her anything for Christmas or for her birthday but expects her to buy him stuff? He was even abusive to her at a point . But he’s always been mentally abusive! He just controls her. Never lets her get on Facebook. Or talk to family. Or hang out with friends. Nobody in our family likes him he’s just so rude! He acts like a child, he’s mental he needs fucking help. My family and I have tried and tried to tell my mom to leave him because she deserves better !! And she just doesn’t! He doesn’t leave when she tries to kick him out the house . She is on section 8 if you guys know what that is and he isn’t even supposed to be on the lease . They don’t even know he lives with us . And he always threatens her that he’s gonna get her kicked out and at this point I really don’t give a fuck . I’m so done with putting up with this bullshit. I know I’m 18 and it’s going to be hard to pay bills cause I only get paid like 11 an hour. But I will do anything to help my mom out ! I want her out of this toxic relationship ! My grandma even told me she could live with her in New Mexico if she ever gets kicked out and just restart there. But I don’t know what to do. I’m just so confused.