What's going on?!


Please be kind in your response... I'm honestly a bit embarrassed to even be thinking what I may be thinking....

So lately I find myself praying for protection for my family a lot. I suddenly get a feeling of dread or feel like my family is in danger and I start praying. I haven't mentioned this to my family or anyone else.

My husband, who is the most skeptical and not easily spooked (at least in real life, movies scare him lol), had to get up at 3 am to study for a test and his alarm woke me. So I wake up and he looks spooked and tells me he almost woke me up (he never does that on purpose because I get so little sleep) because he heard a strange sound of like a dog howling but it sounded like it was coming from the baby monitor/inside the house. Our dog was asleep in the corner of our room. I asked him if maybe he was dreaming and he said no he was certain. I just said ah well maybe it was some sort of electronic feedback.

We start talking a bit more about our schedule then there was this weird sound in our room. We both just got quiet and then he said do you hear that? and I said yeah and he looked out the window and nothing was there.... it sounded like several different types of animals all making low screetching and straining sounds... that's really the best way I could describe it. Nothing I've ever heard before. The noise stopped and after a few mins my husband said he had to go study. A few minutes my baby started moving around like crazy on the monitor. I prayed for protection then waited a few mins then he went back to sleep. I didn't. I stayed up the rest of the night periodically checking the monitor.

So now, hours later I'm asking myself am I crazy? Is this lack of sleep? Are my baby and family safe? What could this be? I don't know what's going on 😥