Baby Season in My Town

It really gets to you when everyone that surrounds you are either pregnant or just had a baby. Their first or second, even third.

Where I live, I can’t count on two hands and a foot how many people in my town are pregnant or just had a baby. And the population is VERY low.

My fiancé and I have been ttc for a while now and we’ve had no luck. We’ve done the pre-seed, the fertile pills for man and woman, doing it every other day, the ovulation test, you name it.

It’s so hard to stay positive when you can’t succeed in the one of many reasons we were put on this earth. It constantly makes me feel like it’s me. There’s something wrong with me. That’s all I can think about.

People say, “it will happen” “maybe God’s trying to tell you something” and “Stop stressing so much”.

I don’t believe that it’s God trying to tell me anything, when people who are on meth (one person in my town) are pregnant or have already had a baby and had it taken away.

And it’s hard not to stress when it’s the only thing you want and you want it so bad.