Anyone ovulate in letrozole cd 2-6?

Sal • One 💙, one 👼🏻, one 🌈 🎀, by ovulation induction after 2 failed IVF cycles 🤯 | Hypothyroidism & lean pcos 🤨

I’m did this this cycle, waiting for ovulation and it’s CD 13 now with no positive OPK. Just wondering if anyone ovulated with letrozole 5mg given on cd 2-6 with NO trigger. Thanks....I know we’re all different just looking for someone kinda like me.

Update: I ovulated CD 15 this cycle with a positive OPK with fmu the same day! For anyone who sale searches for this in the future. In tww now.

Update again: I got my BFP!!! Well timed BD and preseed we are so very lucky. Baby dust to all!!