Baby girl ❤️

Maeara • I am a mama to a beautiful baby girl ❤️

6 months ago I gave birth to this little angel ❤️. I’ve been wanting to tell my story soo here I go. I first found out I was pregnant when I was 17 years old, the summer going into my senior year, it was on June 1st that god blessed me with a beautiful baby. I had told my Boyfriend that I was expecting and as usual he freaked out and left me. So for 5 months I was on my own, trying to find the strength to strong and I did. Then he finally had the strength to do the right thing and tell his Mom & dad that he was going to be a father, Of course they weren’t happy about if & suggested that I get an abortion but I made up my mind and said “ No “. He apologized, and we worked things out for the sake of our daughter. We are now both 18 years old, graduated high school. I can’t say my pregnancy wasn’t easy, because it wasn’t. During my labor and delivery I started going into shock and my heart kept going in and out, I almost lost my heart beat completely. But I wasn’t gonna give up I pushed and pushed until she finally came @2:30 Pm on January 26,2018 😊

Newborn 😊

Now ❤️