Ovulation after miscarriage...

Samantha • 💚Mamma To My 2 Angle Babys.. Ember💫🖤5/23/18🖤8weeks..& Ekko🖤3/20/19🖤33weeks

looking for some advice or anything really... I just want to get straightened back out... I don't know whats going on.. not sure what to do...

alright so I had a miscarriage in may at 8 weeks pregnant..(miscarriage days shown)

thought I kind of went back to normal right away because 4 weeks later I had a normal period that lasted 7 days ..quite long for me actually(my periods prior only lasted 4-5 days) but I didn't think to much of it.. just thought maybe things had changed a bit with it being my first pregnancy and ending in miscarriage.

skip forward to June ..and my period is very light and lasts 5 days

with still no luck TTC... july period comes and only last 3day.. back to normal bleeding

so CD1 comes around and I decide to try OPKS.. got a ragging positive on CD 9... can this be right?? glow doesn't say I ovulate until 12th/18th....