My husband & I have been having some issues lately mainly due to this female (high school ex) keeps contacting him(obviously I'm not stupid he contacting her too). Well we've been married 4 1/2 yrs by now. We've had our trials and have worked through them, or so I thought. I'm ready to sign them papers though. I know my husband's passcode to his phone & of course he doesn't know. So I've gone through it plenty of times & haven't told him what I've seen. I read all his messages, invasion of privacy?( I DON'T GIVE A FUCK). I've been playing my cards right & waiting for the right time to leave. After him cheating so much and lying so much now I know when he's lying! Bruhh for real!!! He lies about everything. Now he has baby fever up the ass & thinks we are going to be having multiple children. 😂 I laugh at such a damn fool. You got community dick & you think I want to make babies with you. Shit, ha! He recently made a trip to another state to handle some legal issues. Before he left I told him I was thinking about leaving. This time he's away I want him to figure out how he's going to work towards improving our marriage, if this is what he really wants. He's going to be away 3 weeks total so he's been out there 1 week, right? This fool is already contacting this female for money. Like she sent him $17 last week $120 saturday $180 today. So I see the email below because obviously this dumb fuck forgets he logged into Google on my phone 2 months ago & never logged out. So I called him & of course this mofo told me that he hasn't talked to her since he left GA (August1) you have to be a dumb ass not to know I know everything you do when you lie to me. When he gets back from this trip, I'm moving out(we are from different states) & starting over. This man swore he wanted nothing but our marriage and to build a family with me. But clearly his actions say otherwise. I know I'm a dumb ass for staying but honestly marriage is a life long commitment & I wasn't just going to give up but I see I'm doing myself more damage staying in this toxic situation.

*She sent him money to get a ticket to. Come back home (our home) they disgust me.


Thank you!