Time to vent.

Haley • xoxo h

Okay, ladies.

I know my body needs time, and patience is the most important thing when TTC. But god I want to see a positive so bad.

I just get so confused and frustrated and I don’t know if Glo is truly accurate since my period has become irregular in the past two months.

I had bleeding for a day or two days, stopped for about two weeks then the same.

However, I have been having symptoms. Either that or my body is playing tricks on me.

- Headaches

- Fatigue

- Nausea


- Back pain

- Sore/itchy boobs

- sO mOODY uGh (always trying so hard to be positive but my brain turns on the cry switch for no reason)

Buuuuuut all the tests I’ve taken have been negative. Is it too early or is my body just shitting out on me.

I need some baby dust! 😭