Unhappy in Marriage

We got married young. Got pregnant fast and now I'm pregnant again with our second baby. Honestly I probably should have left when we were first married. He was borderline emotionally abusive when I was first pregnant. It's gotten a lot better though. Now that I'm pregnant again it's much harder. He's not always nice and often times I'm doing everything by myself. He has no job at the moment but he's still in school. His parents pay our rent and give him money whenever he asks. I just didn't picture my life being like this. I'm not happy and it's hard being touched or kissed by him but that could just be because I'm pregnant I guess. I'm struggling to find happiness in my marriage.

I don't know what to do. He's immature and rude to me always making sexual comments. I've become this hard hearted person..

I know counseling might help but it's been almost 2 years and I just don't see how things can change. I don't feel in love and it breaks my heart.

My mom is old fashioned and just says to be a good wife and to make him happy and in return I'll be happy. But I don't think I'm the problem. Maybe that's selfish but I try so hard to be positive and kind but he has a quick temper if I talk about anything like money or family.

How is marriage supposed to be? Does it get better? Has anyone felt like this before?