3 year relationship


my partner and I have been together for 3 years now. we were highschool sweethearts. our relationship always had lows and highs but we were also very young when it started and still are fairly young now. we just had our beloved daughter back I June and she couldn't be more perfect. however I'm in fear my relationship is falling apart. my partner has been through a lot with his mental health throughout the years. he was on antidepressants and an antipsychotic back in school because he was depressed and claimed he hears voices. I don't know about the voices, but he definitely was depressed and thankfully I was the one thing that could get him motivated and out of that funk. I supported him and did my best to be there for him. the meds helped but didn't help. he didn't really give them a fair shot, he was smoking marijuana at the time so it was difficult to tell what was helping. so eventually he stopped the meds and required counseling. things between me and him were good, not great but we had each other. I love this man with my whole everything and it kills me to even be writing this. within the past year things have gotten a little sour. his mental health is wearing him thin and I've been extremely worried about him for some time now. when we got pregnant unexpectedly I had some hope that seeing our beautiful creation everyday would give him a new source of motivation since the motivation I use to provide him was fading. I guess I just thought he would fall in love with her like how he did me. and I guess I somehow thought that could help him mentally. but I was wrong. I don't doubt his love for us but emotionally I'm distraught. some days are the best days ever, the 3 of us together, one happy family. but then there's days like tonight where he gets frustrated and somehow I'm to blame. he never use to take out his hate and frustration on me until now. I've tried communicating with him multiple times about this and we always push through. most recently I told him this has to change. I told him we needed to go to counseling. he said he would but we just haven't had the time to schedule something and I don't know when we will. I'm just very upset with how things seem to be falling apart. I know not to take the blame for what's going on with him but it's taking a toll on me. I want to be there for him and support him but the way he's acting he's shutting me out and pushing me away. i know what's going on isn't healthy but I know it's his mental health that's the problem. he has gotten a bad temper and constantly degrades himself saying he's nothing and a waste of space and my time. he'll tell me I deserve better and that he's just going to end his life one day. ive talked to his mother and she knows he says these things but again there's just never time to try counselling. and by the time I get through to him he's back to his normal loving self. I just don't know what to do. I don't want to abandon him at such a vulnerable time, he's my best friend, my heart and I know underneath what's going on is the man I fell in love with and the man I continue to fight for. I just feel discouraged I guess, that what I'm trying to do for him is meaningless.

any advice to help fight his mental battle would be much appreciated.