Bbt chart anyone fancy making sense of it?


I assume now that my bbt is dropping i am out again this month im only 5dpo according to glow but due to odd cycles i use fermo app and some others to help figure my cycles, they all say 10 dpo either way i have had negative tests daily my bbt the past few days has gone from 37 to 35.6 today...

I feel miserable because this is month 4 =( and i feel like i am out again

I feel angry and cranky because i am probably over tiered DS is going through sleep regression phase again yet I get insomnia at night too

I feel fed up and stressed my Nan is also poorly and deteriorating with COPD and dementia just wish i could help her im not ready to lose my nan =‘(

Im generally peed

As for symptoms……

Sneezing my face off 🤧 runny nose

Flushes hot then freezing

Frequent urination

i just needed somewhere to rant and get it off my chest please no negative comments ...

Any advice on my bbt?