TWW anyone with me!!?


We’ve been trying for 14 months and this is the first time I’ve gotten a positive opk test which Glow updated the calender to telfect ovulation day 👌.I am on Clomid and my body just needed a little help to get things going after being on the pill for 10years. I’m just so excited, because although this is month 14 I feel like it’s month one again, knowing for the first time when I ovulated and when this tww countdown should finish!!!!🙌🙌

Yeeeeh and I just think this is it! All the stars, ducks and chicken are lined up this month. We have it a red hot go (figuratively not literally 😐🤣) and I’ve got my tip for the win on this month!!!

I’ve always wanted to join a TWW group and bit not known my timeline. 😭

But now I do!!

Anyone out there have similar tww dates?? 😃