please i need some advice?! please read.. has anyone ever been in this situation?! disappearing twin!?!?

ok so last week i got my bfp, the line never really got loads darker,

then saturday i had some light cramping.. i know this is normal so i thought nothing of it.


then in the evening i started spotting brown ..

sunday and monday it got a tiniest bit heavier and a little bit red aswel, it was more when i wiped

monday and tuesday it was back to light pink brownish spotting and then since then nothing,

i've had no more pain, no more cramping, and the bleeding never got heavy at all, it's now friday and i've had nothing since tuesday...

i've taken a test yesterday afternoon and there is still the faintest line but not nearly as dark as the other week...

i don't understand how this could have been a miscarriage? there surely wasn't enough of a bleed to be that? and i had no pain?

i've heard of disappearing twin syndrome, twins run in my fiancée family and i'm starting to think maybe that was loosing one twin?

do you think if i test in a few days the line will be darker again?

i went to my

docs and they wouldn't take bloods because of my positive test and they sent me straight for a scan but then when i went the nurse said it was too early to see anything... useless right... so they s asked me to take a test next week and then go for a scan...

can anyone help or offer me any advice please? i'm loosing my mind 😞😞 this will be my first and i suffer with anxiety and it's so hard for me right now 😞

thanks all!