My experience with Implantation

Jessica • Mother of boy/girl twins ❤️👧🏻👦🏻❤️

A lot of women on here are trying to figure out if they’re having implantation bleeding/ cramps. Here is my experience...

I was wondering when AF was going to show and knew it should of been soon. I wasn’t really keeping track at the time but knew it was always around the last week of every month. I was standing by my fridge talking to my husband and got this huge cramp that lasted a couple seconds...I even made a joke I think I’m giving birth it feels like a contraction. I went to the bathroom and wiped and had a little bit of blood “on the pink side” I just pushed it off and figured AF was finally there making her appearance. The next day I didn’t have any blood...was confused, until my husband says babe you’re pregnant. I laughed it off and said nah...he insisted I took a test! Well that thing was positive before I was even finished peeing! Was in complete shock “ was 7pm at night” I got dressed quickly and ran to Walmart for a digital. Again second pee 30 minutes later from the first it popped up in seconds “pregnant”. I was in shock but excited “we weren’t really trying for a baby, but also not preventing one” i ended up miscarrying at 5 weeks...that’s why I’m on this app I guess...I want another sticky bean...this time I’m trying! Hope this helps! Baby dust!