Need help... no symptoms of period and weird body changes


So for the past few months my period has been coming a day or two earlier than what glow has predicted, except for this month, today is the predicted day 1 of my period but it has not started. I also usually have a headache a majority of the day before my period starts and had absolutely no headache yesterday, no cramping no nothing besides feeling bloated.

I also noticed over the past week or so that some clothes that used to be big on me actually fit pretty well but I haven’t gained any weight, and the other night when getting dressed after showering I noticed my panties were almost too small, now these are panties I’ve worn within the past month and they got totally fine but the other night it seemed I couldn’t get them to come to my hips without almost giving myself a wedgie... I even pulled the scale out thinking there’s no way I gained enough to go up a panty size since the last time I wore these and sure enough scale says I haven’t gained anything since the last time I wore them.

I’m debating testing today but have read first morning urine is best and I already did that today, so should I wait till tomorrow?