Mom Bod at 24

When I found out I was pregnant with my first child I was 22. I was worried about being a mom more than anything else. After having my LO I was so busy loving and caring and tending to every need that I lost all of myself for months. I didn't feel pretty even though I had no trouble losing the weight, so I would start doing my makeup and dressing up more. I started to appreciate my new mom body and I felt proud of it. I soon became pregnant with my second and the pregnancy was hard because I felt so confined. I didn't have any mom friends or anyone to talk to at all except my husband and I started feeling like my whole life would forever be just the kids and my husband's needs and no more fun for me. Two months postpartum and I hate my body (even though again I had no problem losing the weight).I'm 24 now and I still feel like my whole youth was thrown out the window with my young body. I hate feeling this way because I love my family and would never change them. Feeling this way makes me feel like a bad mom and wife but I can't stop stressing about forever looking like a mom and not being pretty anymore and how I can't live my active life that I lived before. How can I love my family so much but hate that I can't do more in my everyday life and still be a good mom? Is the anything that I can do to make myself like myself more? or am I stuck hating my new mom bod forever?