How do you know

How do you know that this app is tracking your ovulation correctly and efficiently?

I have only recently started using the app however I am unsure if I’m looking for the right symptoms around ovulation or whether I just don’t recognise I’m having them as I’m unsure what they are.

Myself and my partner really want a baby but I just feel like every month I try it’s not quite happening. I keep questioning whether this is because I don’t know much about ovulation and the process of when it occurs properly or if I’m not DTD often enough. This month according to this app (of when I’m ovulating) we are trying to DTD every day or every odd day from the 5/6 days before ovulation as to what the app suggests.

Should I continue with this method next month if I am not successful or should I try next month DTD every odd day from after I finish my period up until my next one?

Help, advice?! Please.

Ever felt like you want something so bad but just don’t know how to fully make it happen. If only you could you click your fingers ha!

I wish.