TTC #1 feeling sad and discouraged


I'm 30 years old and was on the birth control pill for 14 years. I stopped taking it in April and have had 5 cycles since while TTC and nothing but BFNs. I know it can take a perfectly normal couple up to a year to conceive, but I cannot help feeling heartbroken each cycle. I thought it would be easier.

I'm healthy, normal BMI, taking prenatals since March. I've been using opk and preseed, having sex every other day, & trying to stay calm and enjoy this time with my husband, but it's so disappointing each time AF shows. How do you stay positive during this time?

I feel like everyone I'm surrounded by is getting pregnant right away. My entire family is so fertile and my mom and many of my cousins got pregnant on their first tries. I'm scared something is wrong with me.

Sorry for the emotional dumping, but I don't want to keep crying to my husband and making him feel pressured. I know you ladies feel my pain.