Ovulation Tracking Apps


I wanted to do a test to see how far off my fertile days qnd ovulation days were from each other on different apps. I downloaded 8 different apps and input the last three months of period information. When it asked me at the beginning what my adverage period last and average cycle I did the math for the last three cycles. I can up with an average of 6 day period length and a 28 day cycle length. I put this info into all the apps the same and got different fertile days and ovulation days. they were not all off by much but enough id say to mess with me since we are trying to conceieve. With the amount of baby dancing and the days of baby dancing it seems like on each app that i hit the mark or got around the mark on the suggested days. I am posting this because I think it is very interesting to see how different apps interpreted the same information differently. Anyone else curious? I am always afraid that I am going to end up ovulating late and missing my mark when I thought it was on the days that my apps are telling me. :(