Labor signs ?


Hey ladies! Let’s have some “fun” and tell what your labor signs were and how far along you were. A list of idea will be below along with my experience! ❤️

Enjoy the stories :-)

•was it sudden or gradually happened?

•did you know weeks before? Days before? Not at all?

•list your signs in how you knew it was time or close to time. Back ache, swollen labia, sickness(morning sickness or cold symptoms) etc!

•did your water break?

• restless leg?

•no energy? A lot of energy? Walking funny or normal?

There’s many more signs and symptoms l! List yours❤️

My story: weeks before I lost my mucus plug and told my dr. He said it was nothing to worry about bc it meant nothing. I was confused! But he’s the dr right 🤦🏻‍♀️ well I had a lot of back pain which I thought was just normal pregnancy back pains and some lower abdomen cramps which I also though were normal pregnancy cramps! I was drained of energy! And my appetite had increased soooo much!! Well I had an ultrasound at 35 weeks at 1pm everything was fine but of course they don’t check your cervex at 35weeks. That night around 11pm I started having some abdomen pain so I went to go lie down in bed they didn’t ease up or go away. I ended up sleeping til about 1am and felt like I had to poop so I went and tried but didn’t force anything. Nothing happened and this went on back and forth for about 45 mins or so. Once again I didn’t force it or push. My labia was swollen and kind of purplish. I told my SO and he asked to go to the er and I said not yet and we went back to bed it’s about 2:30am now and I was tossing and turning couldn’t get still. Legs aching, cramps, and I woke my SO up and said “it’s time” I couldn’t stand up all the way and he had to out my shoes, pants, socks, jacket etc in (it was October and freezing at 3am!) we go to the hospital and they checked me and said “you’re having a baby girlfriend! You’re dilated to a 7!” OKAY HOLY SHIT A 7!? Lmaoooo called my mom and at 10:08am had my baby girl! (They had to break my water) And that’s her below 💕