Postpartum Eating Disorder

Hey mommas, I’m 12 weeks PP. Eating Disorders (specifically anorexia) have always been something I struggled since I was very young (5 years old). I never knew I struggled with an ED till high school. I was obsessed with being skinny even at 5. I didn’t wanna eat. My mom had to force me. I exercised like crazy in HS. It’s been an off and on thing. Till now I’m noticing it is starting to resurface. This is something I do unconsciously. I just don’t have an appetite even when I’m hungry. So I don’t eat. I drink a lot of liquids though. Like juices and milk, water etc. Right now I’m at a healthy weight I just barely eat. I know if I keep going the weight will continue to shed and it’ll get worse. I go 2/3 days without eating just drinking liquids maybe a little bite or chicken or rice....I know this is so long but I know I have a problem. My real question is, if I seek treatment for this, will my baby be taken from me? I’m a single mom...I’m so scared to get help because I feel like they’ll see me unfit. I take care of my baby, she’s happy and healthy. Thanks.