Asking for help


Did anyone see the story on GMA today about how new moms need to ask for help?

this is something I have struggled with. I can not for the life of me ask for help. like I just struggle and stew because no one, particularly my husband, is helping. he always says its bc i dont ask 🙄 and bc I'm so particular and like to do everything a certain way so he just let's me do it. Hes right but at the same time I dont feel like I should have to ask for help. even if I say I got it every time, I would appreciate the offer. especially when you see me doing meal prep, pumping, cleaning, feeding, etc all at the same time! I guess people think if we need help, we'll ask and we think they'll offer it they were willing 🤦🏾‍♀️ Does anyone else struggle with this?