Ectopic Pregnancy

Taylor 🌈👶🏼✨💕

Hey all. I just wanted to tell my story.

On August 1st and 2nd I was have mild cramping and spotting. This is how I found out I was pregnant with my first LO so I thought I’d take a HPT, it was BFP!! I was so happy but leery.

August 3rd I went for blood work and it to was a BFP and the cramping and bleeding had stopped so the OB said I should be fine and scheduled a regular appointment. She also told if the cramping or bleeding came back to go to the ER.

August 4th the cramping came back with light spotting so off to the ER we went. By the time we got to the ER the spotting went to full bleeding and the cramping was terrible.

I was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy in my right tube and it had burst. I lost my tube and obviously the pregnancy.

The surgeon informed me they where absolute certain it was ectopic because she could see the heart beat on the sonogram which gave away the location. Yep, it had a heart beat 😔

I’m an emotional wreck. I keep going from just ignoring the situation to crying while I’m alone. I have a 3YO so I have to keep it together most of the time.

I also feel very alone. Like no one understands what I feel. I can’t get the idea that I chose my life over my babies’ out of my head.

I also don’t know anyone who has went through this.

My husband, god bless him, he tries but he just doesn’t understand.

Any words of encouragement or positive vibes are totally welcome. I just needed to write this out.