I’m so exhausted with my husband’s ex wife. 😕

I’m hoping someone on this group will understand. I’m at my wits end. I’m 31 weeks pregnant and I don’t know how much more of this woman I can take. 😩

My husband’s ex wife (26) is completely mentally unstable and has been for their entire marriage. She was physically and emotionally abusive to him. Emotionally abusive and neglectful in every way to her two children. And just generally insane. When she realized she no longer had control over him she started attacking me, mind you, we do not know each other or hang in the same circles.

To set the scene, since my husband and I got together, she has accused us of having an affair, which we did not. Admittedly, we got together really soon after he separated from her, but we had known each other for years as friends and we just sort of fell into this amazing relationship as he was coping with the divorce process. She has had the girls sleeping in the bed with she and her boyfriend, while the adults were naked. She regularly doesn’t bathe them. For a long time, they didn’t brush their teeth at her house or wear underwear. The oldest (they’re 7 and 5) has a hole in her eardrum and has to wear an earplug, she constantly doesn’t put an earplug in causing water to get in there which causes a constant ear infection. She drive them around in a can that is so disgustingly dirty, she can’t open the sliding doors and roaches are breeding in it. The girls talk about them crawling on them while she drives. She refuses to provide them with suitable living arrangements. She loved them into a dilapidated one bedroom camper trailer along with her INFANT son and new boyfriend (not the baby’s father). She doesn’t have running water or a working kitchen in there. She accused my husband of child abuse, when he is THE MOST gentle human on the planet. She cape town help them with homework or make them read or do anything school related. When I started working at the elementary school she began complaining about me to the school board, even though she had no real reason to. Once I was offered a full-time position as a special ed teacher, she went up there and complained so adamantly that I was told that she had made it a hostile work environment and I was no longer needed. She then told them that it was me who did the child abuse, not my husband. She posted on Facebook about me being an alcoholic and told people she was scared for her children. She black balled us from several places in the town that we live in because she filed unfounded child abuse charges against us. She then started bad mouthing me to my step kids, who ADORE me. They started asking questions and I can either lie to them and make their mom seem wonderful, or tell them the truth (on a child’s level) and taint the image they have of her. Now she’s accusing me of being the one that talks negatively about her to them. She refuses to get a decent job so she can collect child support from my husband, who has domicile rights and shares 50/50 custody. On top of all of that, she has brought us to court no less than 13 times in a year and a half.

I’m just exhausted. I feel like I’m at my breaking point. Any advice or “ME TOO!” Tales would be great to hear, ❤️