Adding Insult to Injury

Meaghan • PNW mama🌈rainbow born 5/19/18

This summer has been killer for our bank account. After my daughter was born in May, we got our hospital bills sorted out and a payment plan put in place. Then all hell broke loose.

First I needed an emergency dental procedure, then my husband did! $4000

Then my husband's car needed some unexpected repairs and then mine did! $5000

His parents were able to help us out but it was like a 1-2 punch twice over!

Then my family has been nagging me about bringing the baby back to the east coast where I am from to meet all the great grandparents and aunt's and uncles and cousins, etc. I told them we would come for Thanksgiving when the baby is 6 months old, but only if they would buy the ticket, seeing as we have been hit with a lot right now and our savings are decimated.

My grandma and I spoke on the phone and she said she would send me a little money for the ticket. I thanked her then and there. I just received the money a few days ago and bought my plane ticket but honestly it covered less than half the cost.

My mom called me yesterday, on my birthday, chewing me out for not sending my grandma a more formal Thank You. Mind you, I just received the money on Friday of last week and she called me on Wednesday. I had a Thank you card but I didn't have a chance to buy stamps!

So I'm just feeling down about being a horrible daughter and granddaughter and why does life have to kick you when you are down? Definitely my worst birthday ever.