Please read I need advice

I'm 12 yrs old and live with my mum and uncle. My mum has several mental health issues. I'll get into that in a bit. My uncle has very bad ocd and anxiety and depression.

I have never met my dad and all I know is his name.

My mum is partially blind, has very bad ocd, anxiety and depression. She is emotionally abusive to me and only my uncle knows. She also sleeps on the sofa we have a small house but I have my own bedroom. But she forces me to sleep in an arm chair downstairs. Social services are involved but they have no idea about wat really happens.

I want to tell someone really bad but I just can I have no idea why. I'm a teenager in less than a month and I have no personal space at all. She's hit me before recently to. I'm not aloud certain words such as okay I'm only aloud to say alright. I barely lesve the house bc of it.

Unsurprisingly I self harm bc I feel there's no way to deal with it than that. My mum is also homophobic and she knows im bi.

She's made me empty a whole bin to look for a tiny piece of plastic.

I could keep going but I'll stop. Wat would u do if u were in my situation.