praying for a baby


Nine years ago today my husband and I got married. When we got married we began having unprotected sex and knew that if God wants us to have a child, that it will happen. As of today we still haven't been blessed with a child. I'm still praying for the day that I can finally tell my husband that he's going to be a father.

- We have tried using preseed during sex

- I have taken Mucinex to help my CM

- I have worn sex during sex, to improve on having a orgasm

- I track all my cycles using Ovia, Glow and Fertility Friends apps

- We have began having sex every other day

- My husband is taking a fertility supplement

- I'm currently drinking a fertility tea with vitex

- We have had blood tests done, all came back good

We're continuing to pray that our time comes sooner than later.