Has your LO ever needed surgery?

Kaytee 💋💄💚 • Mommy to Matthew Johnathon 🦊💚💙 Baby #2 on the way!

My son is 10 months old, and is getting surgery a week before he turns 11 months... at the end of this month.

The closer I get to it - the more I’m starting to panic and stress 🤦🏻‍♀️

My son has to fast before hand and I know that itself is going to be stressful and then the actual surgery will be even MORE stressful.

How did you guys handle it and stay calm? I’m trying my best to stay calm cause I know he senses what I feel... But I’m just so nervous.

Any tips? Advice?

His surgery thankfully is an out-patient surgery so my baby won’t have to stay over night in the hospital.

Thank you all in advance for any tips or advice or sweet words 😭