My First Period... Part 1

Sophia • Pansexual ~ Taken 12yo ~8/12/2005 Female ~ 🚺 VIRGEN YEEEEET

An old lady on the streets once told me, you never know when sharks gonna attack, I never knew what it meant until I heard the term; Shark Week. I got my first period on August 17th 2018, from what I know at least, I woke up on the 18th, went to the bathroom and looked down, "DID I SHIT MYSELF?!" I went up and smelled them, it didn't smell yucky, it smelled like... blood? I was starting to panic, I still thought I shot myself and looked at my V-jj, there was just brown (period blood can come out brown). I started to wipe then realised... There was fresh blood... I panicked more, I had a kickboxing grading event that morning, I grabbed the pads from my school bag that I had ready for that special day, I took my crime scene undies and shoved them in a plastic bag, and then slipped in a pad. I sat and thought for a while... I started to then get cramps, I thought I was alone in this. I sent a text to my friend, let's call her Samantha. I started to say things like, "I RAISED THE JAPANESE FLAG", " I GOT MY VOLCANO" and "I STARRED IN THE SHINING OR WHATEVER THAT MOVIE IS WITH ALL THE BLOOD". To remind you, it was 8:30 am my friend usually wakes up at 10:00 am. So I have up, I sent a text to my MaPa since I was at my dad's today, " Mapa..."


"I got my period..." I tried to act as calm as I could be, so, later on, I called them and I woke up my dad, my step mum wasn't home so I had to tell my DAD. My MaPa then sent a message to him as I was having a normal conversation with him, he picked up his phone and started to read it, he looked at me and said: "Did you really?" I nodded and started to cry, my dad hugged me and said it'll be ok. Later on, I cleaned my undies. Then it was lunch time, we went to see my step mum for her lunch break since she was working that day. When we say down and my dad was doing something she asked me what I had done this morning, I sat there blankly, "I got that time of month..."

"Oh..." I had a cringe face

R.I.P me 2006 - 2018