Pregmate vs Wondfo cheapie tests


Just wanted to post this here to help you ladies out. I had the wondfo brand of pregnancy tests, since I take so many of them during my two week wait, and I did not end up liking them. My friend would only ever get a faint faint line when she would get a strong positive on an frer with the same urine. So I switched to pregmate. I freaking LOVE these strips! They truly are as sensitive as an frer. Any time I get a faint positive on my pregmate cheapie, I test with an frer and there is a faint line on there too. I am putting an example down below to show how not sensitive the wondfo brand is. I have been getting positives for the last 4 days with the pregmate brand and they are getting stronger. Yesterday I got a positive on a digital even! And today it has barely even showed up on the wondfo brand.

Point to take away from all of this. Pregmate is barely just a little bit more expensive than the wondfo, but so totally worth it. I had been having a lot of chemical pregnancies and with these test strips showing that, my dr put me on medication to help me try to stay pregnant. Knowledge is power! Yep