Granuloma on second degree tear suture site


Just when you thought you’ve been through it all after giving birth. No no no, there’s more. I had my 6 week PP appointment yesterday and it did not go as I thought. I had a pretty easy delivery and recovery. I had second degree tear that didn’t hurt at all while healing. Well, yesterday my doctor took a look to see how it was healing and apparently a granuloma was forming around the stitch site. Like what?! I’ve never heard of this happening. He had to cauterize the site and let me tell you ladies the painnnnnnn!!! Omg. Now I can’t have sex for ANOTHER two weeks and I can barely walk. Great.

For those that don’t know what a granuloma is... your body sends immune cells to the stitches which is what helps them dissolve. My body decided to send way too many which caused a build up of cells to form and they had to burn them off. Yes, you heard that right. I felt it all. FML.