What's happening to your body during the tww

Kayla • Mommy to two beautiful girls and a handsome boy 💝💙💝 Married to my soulmate 💜

I've been driving myself slightly crazy with this dreaded wait lol so I thought I would find out what happens to the body during the two week wait via intercourse/artificial insemination and share it with you guys ☺️ Hope it helps!

0 DPO - Ovulation occurs and fertilization follows. In 6-12 hours the sperm meets the egg and a zygote is formed.

1-2 DPO - Cell division starts 24-30 hours after fertilization and the embryo starts to move through the fallopian tube towards the uterus.

3 DPO - While in the fallopian tube, the embryo is a solid ball containing 12-16 cells called the morula. The zona pellucida, a protective coating that prevents it from sticking, covers the embryo.

4 DPO - The morula reaches the uterine cavity around 3.5-4 days and is 16-32 cells. It starts to develop into and early blastocyst. A fluid-filled inner cavity develops, surface cells form the trophoblast, and the inner cell mass becomes the fetus.

5 DPO - The blastocyst is formed and remains free-floating. The zona pellucida starts to dissolve after arriving in the uterus in anticipation of implantation.

6 DPO - The blastocyst makes contact with the uterine lining.

7 DPO - The blastocyst starts to burrow into the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding and cramps are possible. Most likely to occur 7-9 days.

8 DPO - The early placenta starts producing hCG. A positive pregnancy test can happen depending on the amount of hCG present and the sensitivity of the testing method.

9-10 DPO - The blastocyst has burrowed into the uterine lining. Implantation bleeding is possible.

11 DPO - The chances of a positive pregnancy test increases as the placenta develops and releases more hCG.

12 DPO - Implantation is now complete. A coagulation plug forms to close the area where the blastocyst entered the endometrium.

14 DPO - Levels of hCG are high enough to be detected by an at home pregnancy test.

15-21 DPO - The placenta gets better defined. The fetus grows in length and a body cavity starts forming. The heart, brain and intestines slowly start taking firm.

22-28 DPO - The heart starts beating and can be seen on an ultrasound.