
Wilmarie • Healthly BabyBoy👦🏼 #8💙 🌟MC August 17,2018👼🏻🌈Rainbow baby due Dic 2,2019🙏

I found out I was preagnet July 7th 🙌they did a ultras sound and my time from my last period was june 8, my first ultra sound we couldn’t messure baby too small, waited two more week and baby did not get mesures nurse told me to call Dr. he tells me baby has no heart beats 😭and there is no baby, 😔told Dr I would like to wait another week. Baby showed up on the ultra sound with ❤️heart beats and measured 6 week and 4 days and we could not listen to the heart beats because to small. 😔They gave me another appoinment seems that baby’s heart beat was 81 which was to low it was spouse to be 90 and up so waited for the next appoinment to follow up and baby did not have heart beats and did not grow it said 6 week and 5 days and I was suppose to be 7 week and 5 days😭💔Dr gave me 3 opciones wait for my body to do it by it self, go get a surgery done (D&C;) or wait a week more, I decided to wait again next appoinment was in a week baby did not grow and did not have heart beats so got the surgery done.

I have a big pain in my heart I is my baby 😢😭

Know I have a star⭐️ in the sky that takes care of my family👪 I know God has better plans for me 🌈 God will send me my rainbow baby❤️