Pregnancy hormones or nah?


So I went through my husbands phone and read so many nasty messages between his father and sister in law about me when my husband left me for his mistress. I was hurt and his father said I can always come to him I’ll always be his daughter no matter what and he’d go back make my pain into a joke and call me a crazy bitch to my husband... his father would allow him to sneak the gf over and hide her car when he had our son when he promised me he wouldn’t let her there. And his SIL called me cunt! And I was crying and confronted his father with screen shots of some messages and told him I want nothing to do with him anymore. My husband says I have no reason to be upset it’s done and over with we’re expecting baby #2. But I’m still so upset. I guess I shouldn’t have looked through his phone. But I wasn’t expecting to find all the cruel deceitful from his father... no I don’t know if I lashed out at his dad and him because of hormones... when we got back together they all welcomed me back with open arms saying how they’re so happy I’m back and how they hated his gf...and then finding al this new info just hurts...idk what to do