SUPER late birth story!

Gabby • Mommy to a beautiful baby girl! #JanuaryOf18

So, let's go WAAAY back to last year in about mid Nov, early December. That's when my doctor told me I had high blood pressure and was at risk for preeclampsia. I was about 7 months along, and had no idea what I was in for. I had a pretty decent pregnancy, not too many issues beside some ligament pain 🙄 (lord help us all lol) I had oddly wanted a C-section because the history of labor issues on my mom's side. My Nana had my mom, aunt, and uncle early with intervention (forceps/vacuum/other) and I had to be "vacuumed" out because I got stuck in my mom's birth canal. I guess you get what you wish for (different reasons in my case) because when I was 7 1/2 months along my doctor told me we would end up scheduling a c-section for around 39 weeks. My daughter was measuring 9lbs 13oz at my 36 week scan, so I was prepared for a big baby! At about 38+4 we scheduled my C-section for Saturday January 20th at 12pm. The day has come!! 39+4 and we head to the hospital, Get checked in, I get all my Iv's administered along with a shot in the butt (rogham because her dad was A- and I'm A+), and the wait begins! It ended up being a little later than 12 because my doctor was delivering another woman's baby, so it was about 12:15 when they had me waddle back to the OR. I didn't even realize we were in the OR!! I seriously thought it was just the room where they give you the spinal block (which didn't hurt AT ALL and I'm so thankful for that lol) but nope. They give me the anesthesia, shoot me in the spine, and holy hell that thing works fast. They had me turn, prop one leg up as they were saying "let's get you up before you go numb", and boom I all of a sudden have no control over my legs AND THEY WANTED ME TO SCOOT UP THE TABLE WITH MY BUTT CHEEKS 😂😂 So the anesthesiologist dose the little squirt bottle to make sure I'm numb up to my nipple line. Daddy comes in, they start the incision, about 10 minutes (at least I think it was) later my baby was entering the world!!

Little miss Charlie Rose was born at 12:28pm on Jan. 20th 2018. 9 lbs 9 Oz and 21in. She was healthy as could be!

Below Pic was daddy, Charlie, and I together for the very first time ❤️

This was one of the pics we got from Mom 365 in the package thingy

Little bear at 3 months old!

My beautiful girl, who just turned 7 months ❤️❤️

I had to add at least one Pic of the three of us!