2 month got E Coli(long) -Update

Mama Bear x2 • Engaged to my best friend 💍💒❤️proud mother of a handsome boy 👦🏻🎮❤️ and beautiful baby girl 👶🏻🦄❤️.

UPDATE - We are at home. With her being 10 weeks old, they gave us the option of doing oral medicine once a day for 10 days at home so we took it. I have to take her Monday or Tuesday to get an ultrasound of her kidneys to make sure she doesn’t have reflux of the kidneys and we have to have at least 2 follow up visits this week to make sure the oral antibiotics are working. She is still not 100% but she hasn’t have any fever in a couple days so we are thankful for that. She is still sleeping a lot and is fussier than normal but she is still smiling and cooing when she is awake so I know she is feeling some better. After we get the results from the kidney ultrasound I will go have a talk with the daycare director and we will go from there on what to do about that. I know there is no way to pinpoint it to one of her teachers wiping wrong but when she was home with me, she was perfectly fine and we have witnessed her wiping back to front on another child. I just have to know when I leave my baby with somebody all day while I’m gone to work, that I can trust them 100% to take care of my baby.

So it all started when my fiancé picked up our 2month old daughter (nn Bug) Wednesday at daycare. He texted me before I got off saying Bug was sleeping more than usual and felt a little warm and he hoped she wasn’t getting sick. I got home about an hour later and I thought she felt warm too so I checked her temp and it was 99.4. Since it was that high, took her shirt off and just let her sleep. I had to wake her up 2 hrs later to change her and try to fed her and it had jumped to 101 so I gave her Tylenol. That brought it down but once it started wearing off it came right back. Repeated that a couple times.

So Thursday morning, I took our son to school and went straight to the Peds office with Bug to just be a walk in because at that point her temp was 102 when the Tylenol wore off. They did the physical exam and everything was fine so they wanted to draw blood and check her urine to see what was causing her high fever. Dr came back in after the tests and said her white blood cell count was 3x what they should be and her urine came back dirty, so he said she had a UTI. Well with her only being a little over 2 months, he called the hospital and they wanted her to come ASAP to start IV antibiotics.

I left the peds office and went start to the hospital where the peds dr there had ordered the same blood work and urine tests to check them again. Apparently, when a young baby gets a UTI, they worry about it staying only in the bladder because they infection can move very fast. Since her white count was so high, they ordered a spinal tap to make sure it hadn’t gotten into her blood stream and traveled to her spinal fluid. They ran a lot of tests and had the blood, urine, and spinal fluid culture to see which had bacteria growing in it.

Dr came around this morning and told us so far the blood and spinal fluid was clear of bacteria so it looks like it was just in the Urine so it had stayed in the bladder. And the bacteria that was growing in the urine was E Coli. We asked what caused all this and she said most likely it had been improper wiping, instead of front to back, somebody had wiped back to front. I know it wasn’t me or my fiancé or my mom, which is only ones who had kept her since birth until she started daycare 2 weeks ago. So we aren’t accusing anybody but we think it might be a daycare worker who did it.

So their treatment plan is 10-14 days of IV antibiotics to get rid of the E Coli. We are so worried and scared and don’t know what to do about the daycare situation once we get out. We are stuck at the hospital for up to 2 weeks all because somebody wiped her the wrong way. 😞☹️😭