Ready to divorce my husband !! 18 weeks pregnant

I'm sitting here in shock I am writing this.

My husband is the most lazy "boy" I've ever met.

Hes addicted to gaming. Badly... so bad that 8 weeks ago he came home from a hitch (he works on the rigs) and hasnt gotten a call back to go out. I had to basically force him after 3 weeks to find a temp job. Since then he literally wakes up , goes downstairs sits at his computer gaming for HOURS before finally deciding to get off his lazy ass to go to work. While hes at work I see him constantly on fb taking breaks. Like every 10 min!! Then he comes home usually doesnt even work 8 hours, sits at his computer till 3 am again . This is all happening while hes making not great money at this temp job. Our rent is due on the first and hes got maybe $450 from his job. He told me on the 20th he was going to work 10 hour days till the first to cover rent $1500. That hasnt happened. Mind you I do work BUT it isnt enough to cover it all. Had I not been working we'd be evicted already. Or not eating.

I have 2 kids from previous relationship and even they make comments. My 5 year old came up to me the other day and said isnt stepdad suppose to be at work? Why is he gaming at lunchtime!!

I'm fed up so fed up.

On top of this he is so damn lazy he wont even make food for himself . He snacks on junk unless I feed him. Last night he came home and ate 2 bags of chips , 2 oranges , a donut , and yogurt within like 10 min.

He also hasnt washed his clothes in literally a month!!! And he works construction at the moment. Hes been cycling his clothes and its disgusting. I cleaned the room yesterday and washed the sheets. The room stunk. It was so gross.. I'm a clean person and it grosses me out.

Also TMI but he will use the washroom and someone will go in after and theres a disgusting mess left in the toilet . There is q toilet brush for a reason!!! I almost vomited yesterday. Just so completely inconsiderate.

Sometimes he will only shower every second day after hes been sweating at work. Or maybe hes not cause he isnt really working hard. I'm just at my wits end! He is a child. Not a man as I've come to learn.

He never does anything he say he will. All talk no action. I cant live like this.

Never in my life have I seen someone so lazy. I do not feel secure , safe, important or anything. I have come to not even like him as a person in general let alone my husband.

I want to leave but I'm also pregnant 18 weeks. I am so stressed out by all this and I just want to try and enjoy the last of my pregnancy without him around as sad as that is. I guess I'm looking for advice!

Rant over ! Sorry but I have no one other then my mother to vent to 😑

Update: I have thought about throwing it all away or hiding it. But he would LOSE his mind and I mean lose it. It would not be a pretty situation at all.

Update 2

He has always been like this according to his mom. He just hid it well till we were married. He isnt depressed. Even his friends have told me hes always been this way