15 days late, finally a faint line πŸ™„πŸ™„ Sad Update..


Short story time.. My husband and I have been trying for 4+ years. He has low count but this year we are trying some vitamins that have a lot of success.

Anyway, I'm 15 days late today and I FINALLY got a faint line. I usually have 30-32 day cycles. I've been having a few symptoms. Sore boobs, major food aversions, some nausea (threw up yesterday), dizziness, taking naps (which I never do), headaches and mood swings. I have an appointment to get a blood test this Friday.

I think I'm just posting for maybe some positive comments or stories. Idk. I'm just confused. Thanks if you've read this whole, long story. ❀


Last night had a huge migraine to the point where it made me wanna throw up. When I woke up this morning, I went to the bathroom. When I wiped there was light red blood. Not a lot, and only when I wiped. I'm feeling pretty low right now. When will it be my turn?