ASD diagnosis came negative. But I feel he needs help.

My soon to be 3yo, shows some red flags for autism. But his evaluation didnt identify him on spectrum

He Does:

Make eye contact

Affectionate and attached emotionally

Plays with other kids (running around)

Engages in imaginative play

Walks, climbs, jumps, etc

Eats by himself, picks up food by pinch

Does not:

Respond to name most of the time

Echoes what we tell him: "Say Papa" to his dad.

Talks to himself and unrelated things

Lost in his own world or only on cars/truck stuff.

Has tantrums( that may be his age also.)

Does not answer any questions. Do you want this? What's your age?

As a mom I think he particularly needs help in language development but otherwise he is fine. But since he does not have a diagnosis, he is not eligible for ABA or similar services.

Anyone on the same boat? What can I do to get him help?