The truth is I don’t enjoy being a mom.

I know I am going to get a lot of crap for this, but the truth is I don’t enjoy being a mom. I love my child more than anything. I do my job as a mother because I love my child more than anything and they are my responsibility, that being said I don’t enjoy the “mom life”. Like most jobs people do, they are miserable. Being a mom and the work that comes with is not something I look forward to every day. Being a mom is not my calling like I thought it would be. I want to say I enjoy every second of it and that I love being a mom and doing mom things, but I really just don’t. Is it just me or do a lot of moms lie and say it’s easy? Or lie and say they love what they do? Let me be clear I LOVE MY CHILD and would cut of my arm for them, I just don’t feel happy or pride in the work I’m doing if that makes sense.