Lets Talk Makeup😍

Kyla • Mother to a 5 yo boy💚, a 2 yo nicu warrior baby girl💖and a 3 mo boy 💙

What if I told you that you could have ANYTHING on the Younique website for half off or even free? 😱 (yes... that is all of my FREE product credit... on top of the actual money I make aside from that)

What if I told you that ON TOP of FREE makeup, you could also get paid 3 hours after each sale that you make!? 😳

What if I told you that there's no stock/inventory or mandatory home parties?! 😍

What if I told you there are no obligations, quotas, penalties, or fees?! 🤔

What if I told you there are no auto ships?! 😆

What if I told you that you can earn incentives, bonuses AND trips?! 🤤

What if I told you that we LITERALLY get paid to make friends, play on Facebook, and do our makeup?! 🛍👏🏻👄✨

Do I need to go on? Are you ready to have all of that!? 🙋🏻

Drop a 💜 below and I'll message you to get you started! ✨🔥💜