My house burnt down and I need help please


Hi everyone. So I posted around the end of June about my house burning down. I’ll give a little background. I am only 18 and I’m 35 weeks pregnant. I lost all my baby stuff in my house fire. I had to stay at my grandparents house with my family of 6 for around a month. We bought everything and replaced a lot. Anyways we did find a house to live in and it’s such a great house, I’m in love with it and I want to buy it when I’m older. However, our friend knew the guy who owned this house, and he was moving so he asked if the guy would rent to us. The guy agreed to rent and even said he’d most likely let us rent to own after six months of renting. After he met us he said he WOULD let us rent to own after 6 months. We never signed anything tho. Also my parents have negative credit. Very very bad credit so they won’t be able to get a mortgage probably ever. So he talked to my dad today and said he’d rather sell so he’s kicking us out. I don’t want to leave this house. It’s a few minutes away from my baby’s dad and right in town. It’s great and I’m in love with it. There’s so much room for the baby and everyone else. Since I’m only 18 I don’t think I have any credit. I thought maybe I could get a mortgage on the house and buy it? My parents would of course pay the mortgage but I’d just put everything on my name if that makes sense. My parents have an income of around 6,000 a month so they could do it. Could I, being so young? Also I don’t have an income until baby gets here because I’m on bedrest. But after I will work everyday if I have to. How can I build my credit in only a few months? I’m so heartbroken right now. I thought everything was getting better and now my baby and I, also my whole family are gonna be homeless again in months. Please if anyone has any knowledge, advice or anything I need it!!!