TERRIFIED of second pregnancy


Not to sound like a big baby, but I am horrified of getting pregnant again. Not so much being pregnant but labor and delivery. My first pregnancy was easy other than insane heartburn and nausea, labor was intense and scary. I wanted to wait as long as I could without the epidural because I’m scared as shit of anesthesia and if it’ll cause me to panic. (Placebo at its finest. I convinced myself I was having a reaction to laughing gas a few weeks ago🙄) I’m a mess. So I ended up delivering without epidural and will never forget how I was so sure I was going to die from the pain and how I literally thought I might have been in hell. But my fear now is what if I die during birth? And leave my sweet angels behind? Or what if I get an infection afterwards? How can I get over these fears so that when I’m ready to try I don’t think about dying my whole pregnancy again?