Random rant

Elisabeth • 🌈Waiting on our rainbow. Recurrent pregnancy loss. 4 babies gone.

I often see so many things especially early testing where all I can think is do people not read or look things up?

Seriously!? Tip: Pregnancy tests have different sensitivities. If you're taking one designed for AFTER you miss your period. Its not going to magically give you a line at 8 DPO because the sensitivity is set to 25 or higher to detect on the test.

Digital tests. If you got two positive line tests and a negative digital at 10 DPO. Digitals need more HCG. Its more than likely going to keep being negative until after that missed period.

The 10 DPO negative test "Im Out" thing. OMG! STAHHHHP! NOT EVERYONE FINDS OUT EARLY! DO YOU HEAR ME!? Fertilization, and implantation takes anywhere from hours to DAYS! YES! DAYS!

The internet is easily accessible these days. Educating yourself will not hurt you. Its blowing my mind how so many don't read or research.