And here is me pushing a 10lb 5.6oz baby TMI TMI TMI **UPDATED w STORY**

Gabs • Mother to Maisie • October 4th, 2016 👶🏼🌸 Mother to Arthur • May 31st, 2018 👶🏼💙 Mother to August • November 9th, 2020 👶🏼💙

arthur and i got to the hospital at 4pm on May 30th

got iv placed around 5pm and water broken at 6pm

at 6:45pm, pitocin was started

the night started smoothly

and got really rough around 1am

the pitocin was making me contract when my body had already started labor on its own

there was a 10 second break between contractions and i almost went into shock

i managed to hold off on epidural until around 2am

it was heaven.. i slept for awhile

around 6am the pains came back and they turned the epidural off

i labored for 4 hours this way. i only dilated a cm

10am came and i was at a 6

2pm came and i was at an 8

3pm came and i was back to a 6

by 5pm i was in earth shattering pain..

i finally made it to a 9

4 contractions

a total of 10 pushes and my baby boy came into the world at 5:26, May 31st. 10lbs 5.6oz and 22in long.

This is us now!