Faint line and second opinion!

I need some help or maybe just clarification.

I've always had trouble getting pregnant. I am irregular. And ive recently found out i have PCOS. Nothing extreme to were its impossible for me to get pregnant but it will be a journey. I have concieved once and gave birth. I am currently 23 dats late. The first few home tests were neg til my last. There was a very faint line. I had my doc appt, that test was also neg. They didnt do blood work because the lab tec wasnt in. Doctor said if i dont start in 3 months to see her again 😐 im just not satisfied with that. I threw up this morning. Food i ate yesterday morning but nothing i ate last night. Am i crazy? Is that just my body siking itself out? Advice or if youve experienced something similar what did you do?

Sincerely, another mama trying.