Confused dates

Rebecca • Mummy to Isabella Grace. Expecting baby number 2, 23rd March 2023 ❤️

So I’ve not long come off my pill and therefore haven’t had a period in 4 years. I think I conceived on the 13th, 14th or 15th and have been doing some tests. I’m very new to this and don’t know much about how it works with dates etc.

After speaking to my mum who’s a nurse, I’ve realised that if I was pregnant it would only just be implanting and therefore I wouldn’t have a good positive now. I’ve spent the last day feeling crappy and now realised I need to test end of next week!!

I’ve been having symptoms mainly over the last 5 days!

Has anyone else made this mistake or am I just silly? I think it doesn’t help I’m not going off my missed period!