I got told I was a fat slag...

Sasha • Pcos-Ttc for 4 years 😪😖😭

Sooo I’m a bouncer at a club.. I run my own team which Is rare..

One particular night I had to remove a woman (who I was reluctant to let on the first place) because her partner was close to loosing it with her because even though she came in with him she was hanging around and flirting hard with the djs so before that had a chance to happen I decided she had to go...

So I’m asking her nicely to follow me to the front door as she’s not necessarily being aggressive at this point.. she refuses so I ask her a further 3 times then I lightly grab her arm and tell her if she doesn’t move I’m well with in my rights to use reasonable force which I will happily use.. she keeps refusing so I eventually restrain her sand drag her out and tell her why she’s been kicked out... I wasn’t rude or anything but all she kept say was how I was a “fat ugly slag” ... um sorry I don’t think I am ugly and certainly not a slag when I’m the one in a stable, faithful and long term relationship of 8 years and she’s the one who gets kicked out for aggravating her man By flirting with other men and when she did decide to leave the front of my club 15 minuets later she goes past calling me a slag whilst she hand in hand with another guy..... bitch please!

Btw this is me.. what do you think!